Monday, September 30, 2024

Wyatt Underwood

the semi-toughs

we were the semi-toughs

we fought each other

we did not fight the real toughs

you could die that way!

we looked in awe at the raunchy girls

and settled for the semi-raunch

more often the girls who still

wanted to be nice

but kept finding themselves

with boys like us

we never hurt a girl on purpose

just the idea that we might

sufficed to control most girls

those who might themselves with us

and headed for a bed or substitute

we were the semi-toughs

tough enough to keep each other wary

not even on the radar of the toughs

lighthouses of trouble in our own minds

not even running lights to the toughs

hell, not even candles to most kids!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Mr. Z

The Threadbare Fox


You do not have to be shattered,       The still red sun dips low,       Your fur, once a flame,

but still, you walk.                             wounding the horizon,            catches in the wind,

The shards beneath you, glittering,    bleeding into the night.           and you let it go,  

cruel and cracking.                                                                             strand by burning strand,


                                                                                                                                                                         /\   /\   

                                                                                                                                                                       //\\_//\\       / \

                                                                                                                                                                       \_     _/    /   /

                                                                                                                                                                         / * * \    /^^^]

                                                                                                                                                                        \_\O/_/    [   ]

                                                                                                                                                                           /   \_    [   /

                                                                                                                                                                           \     \_  /  /

                                                                                                                                                                            [ [ /  \/ _/

                                                                                                                                                                           _[ [ \  /_/

                                                                                           until you are nothing but shadow,

                                                                                           a whisper of smoke,

                                                                                           curling through the cracks in the earth.

No howl escapes you,               When you vanish,

no cry of defiance,                    the glass will remember,

only the silence of a world        carrying the weight of your steps.

you no longer belong to.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Andrea Varga


The evil has the face of an angel

And the innocent ones lose their virginity

at the hands of the hangman.

Death lies on the bottom

of the jar of my face cream

the cats, the dogs scream

with needles piercing their brains.

They are the victims

of the beauty on my face

but I can’t hold back—

because I’m the victim

of my own insecurities.

So I stand out in the acidy rain,

hold up my face and I see

my skin rotting away,

my eyes burning with flame,

my teeth stinking decay

and I become an angel

with the evil face.

Will you now kiss me?

Friday, September 27, 2024

Lisa Marguerite Mora

Wrong Move

Living on pasta and cheese, carrots and coffee,

I neglected food for music. Cassette tapes. Spending my money

on gas to get to the canyon, I walked the trails

and ate the fog. Often it was night. 

And listened.

Mud print of small mountain cats, after the rain

I hiked in whatever shoes I had. Once I slipped

and slid, stopping short from where the trail dropped

into steep ravine and tangled brush. I waited.

Thought. And prayed I could make the right

move, not make it worse. I was alone.

Slowly, I grabbed and belly crawled across

the mud. Up on one knee. And stood.

In those years I learned respect, was granted

peace. In those years

I stopped being hungry

for what I couldn't have.

Eventually the canyon kicked me out

back to the city. My car could no longer

make the trek. I finished school. Acquired

health insurance. And some skills. Worked too much.

Got really really tired. Lost sight

of essence the way it lived in me

even when I was afraid. Twenty years later,

have not slipped, but have stopped. Am thinking. 

About how to make it right. I listen 

to those old music tapes. The older you get 

you feel you can't make any wrong moves.

This thought proves to me

what I've lost.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Duane L Herrmann


Some people

do not want harm

to come to children,

any child;

they make great effort

to save and protect them.

Others don't care

and shoot them:

easy targets,


looking at you

before they die –

What a thrill

to get attention

before the end.

Life isn't worth

living, anyway.



Swing high,

swing low,

emotions go

and go.

Medication taught

brain new levels

of serotonin well

and brain responds

with steadier stream

more constant calm

and even thinking.

Emotions now

assist function

not impede, 

and life, life

takes reliable

turn with peace,

serenity and hope.


Driving down the quiet

neighborhood street,

dignified, refined

houses, lives –

all looks well.

In one house,

inside its walls,

between the studs,

hidden between,

is a body

tiny, secret –


it could not live,

I could not allow...

it simply could not.

The stigma

would have been

simply unbearable!   

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Don Kingfisher Campbell

Cultural Appropriation

Oh oh, CaLokie, you suggested

making the November theme for

Four Feathers Press online edition 

Dia De Los Muertos, isn't that...?

Not as bad as performing songs

from another culture like Paul 

Simon did on Graceland, and, 

now that I think about it, Me And 

Julio Down By The Schoolyard.

Don't even mention Genesis!

Yikes, am I not allowed to order

my beloved bean and cheese

burrito anymore? And I just

bought dumplings at the 168

Market on Valley Boulevard

and nobody stopped me 

except to say Shi Sheh.

You know why I got them,

my wife is from Dalian, then

adulted in Sanya. Is getting

married the ultimate C.A.?

Wait a minute, I'm writing

this poem in English. Talk

about colloquial acquisition....

Triumph and Tragedy

Wheeled out the portable

Air conditioner that looks

Like an all-white R2-D2

Sat it next to me in my red

UCLA-lifted swivel chair to

Provide a 78-degree breeze

I pointed the white plastic

Caterpillar-like exhaust tube

To the parted front door space

Below the bottom of the black

Iron security screen somehow an 

Orange butterfly stilled by blast

(a found poem*)

1 (Jupiter eats Earth)

imagine a grape

next to a basketball

like a drop of food

coloring into ocean

glowing white hot

liquid metallic hydrogen

2 (Visit HD189733b)

blue earth-like planet 

with soft oceanic swirls

a Van Gogh marble

constant winds whip

rainstorms of molten

glass shards sideways

fiery cosmic tornado

chunks shred you apart

with near infinite cuts

3 (the great nothing)

everything will dissolve

voids are growing and will

consume all things forever

*Inspired by

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mathieu Cailler

Ode to the One Who Tamed the Crustacean

here’s to the person who first found an oyster, 

lifted it from the sea, examined

its spiny exoskeleton,

wedged a blade between

its hemispheres, inspected

its silver membrane,

slurped its body,

downed its liquor

who immediately

envisioned a jewel

despite its

barbed home

Monday, September 23, 2024

Thelma T. Reyna


Press your ear on the child’s chest—

he’s five and in distress—his heart

fluttering like a wounded bird’s,

quivering in little pearl taps you’ll barely feel.

Hold his hand, just twigs chilled

and quaking, fingers in a ball so hard,

nails digging into flesh, so pull the little sticks

apart so you can place his palm in yours.

Look deeply in the child’s unblinking eyes,

so wide, orbs frozen, tears layered clear,

shimmering, stopped, unflowing,

the whites like ice on coal.

Lay your ear near his mouth and hear

his rasping breath stutter like a dying man’s,

uncurl his body from the kitchen floor

and hold him in your lap, hold him close, and warm.

Don’t talk to him, for he won’t hear.

Don’t raise him up, for he won’t rise.

His eyes are glued to his daddy on the rug,

the pool of red spreading dark and fast.

He’s starting school next week, this little boy,

and his dad took off the day to walk him there.

Uncurled, sitting in your lap, his head

tilted to his father, the child’s in distress.

Don’t speak to him, for he can’t hear.

Don’t stand him up, for he can’t stand.

His pencil legs quiver on yours, his silent lips

wet now because his tears unplugged themselves.

In the other corner, on the floor, the cop bawls

like a man condemned, his pistol on the chair,

his red face bobbing in his trembling hands,

as clueless now as when his holster freed his gun.

Tonight the screens will flash the dead man

in his uniform, and tell how he went deaf 

in war, and how he saw his window break and summoned 

help, and how all hell broke loose.

Originally published in the author’s book, Reading Tea Leaves After Trump (Golden Foothills Press: 2018).


His back’s a toothpick stack racked with pain.

His legs are stone on hospice sheets in

Barstow, where VA nurses rub liniment

on his arthritic limbs, days melting like wax

one into the other, his 90-year-old eyes

opalescent murk. 

His convalescent legs slog in midnight dreams

through devastated streets, Sicilian sky 

lit bloody by rockets pulping

trenches filled with men he knew.     

His sharpshooter fingers and eagle eyes 

bring down krauts in trees in the Ardennes, 

and krauts covered in branches to deceive his mark, 

but he’s the best.

His medals sleep in velvet trays in cedar drawers 

now, room 356, because his shelf life tugs him 

from pock-marked fields 

to solitary rooms where walls 

shimmy and run

like watercolors into smears

Originally published in a prior version in the author’s book, Rising, Falling, All of Us (Golden Foothills Press, 2014).


He doesn’t know I watch, or

maybe yes, he does. He carries rocks

in arms burnt browner by the sun, in arms

sinewed and knotted by muscles stretching and

pushing against granite edges of patio

pavers he lays in puzzles beyond my ken.

Sweat veneers his back like varnish freshly

stroked. His knees straddle opened earth, leather hands cupping

moistness as he digs deeper, smoothing loam, opening the

hole, plunging fingers into dirt made soft with rain. Face lowered, 

droplets of his labor anoint the bed.

He hardly rests. He sips from plastic cups I bring to

him with eyes averted from the truth. His dark fingers brush

my wrist, a moment pardoned with a flush, and he

turns to toil that defines his being. Hour after

hour, in days long with longing, his brown arms lift

and move and hold and carry and embrace. 

What does he think while his muscles groan, sweat 

salting his lips and nipples as it trickles to

his pants? I lean against the wall, curtain falling 

closed again, my knees useless.

Originally published in the author’s book, Rising, Falling, All of Us (Golden Foothills Press, 2014).

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Alex S. Johnson

Mercurial Retrograde

A fractal glyph

chipped off your






I envy your motion-captured smile,

your virtual sleep like a 

Star Baby afloat 

a blanket of 


In your cottonhead digital cocoon 

your swooning lips divebomb 

pictures of 

matchstick men

Struck a light consuming


venom loosed in 

fields of the Nephilim 

Hollow hills connect subliminal

refresher course for the jaded 

superheated refractory hurt locker room talk 

where the 

post-human Cherry Bomb 


The sleeping dwarf kings 

penetrate the



Situated as a shocking violet tongue

projected towards the 

earbleed seats

At the swarm of dove-handed


framed for

the Theater of



Comic drafts swallowed with 

quantum foam

Liberatory prosody awakens

in the 


quaff of



Bobbing up and

down on a 

nub of

liquid love.

That's gotta hurt--engaged to be

harried by the 

ghouls of


Her black hat 


a spiral

shell of


Her black sheets shimmer




Her breasts face west, 

largely dots and slashes.

Her mouth is a 

mirror of

horror's sluttish 


Legs are clad in



Way to 

finish off the

whoremouth lunch, 

wipe your

mouth with 




Her appeal lies largely in

staying young

forever by

predating on 

people with



She burrows through 

them like


But comes up





she emerges

through the 




Her majestic legs on 


A scramble of echoes

skitters through 




On another shelf of data

sits a man

on a stool

made of



He drove his 



bus through the

silkscreen of



Once in a lifetime:

help me dig these


Unearth your head from

the basic




I hated you

I loved you too.

By the time you read this,

time will


advanced exactly



Saturday, September 21, 2024

Joseph Milosch

An Abandoned Military Cemetery

It was the twilight of spring, and the Red Maple

leafed out. Walking up the old dirt drive, I counted

the dandelions growing in ruts. Some markers

leaned forward, and others tilted backward.

Most of the tombstones formed post-like shadows.

The names on the markers are those of the men

who died in the Revolutionary or Civil War.

Of course, I wanted to know about them,

but the only traces were by wild hogs

who rooted the tops of the graves. 

Along the perimeter of the cemetery stood tall,

green pines, and in the middle of the graveyard,

the bees swarmed in a red maple. Three robins

landed beside the tree. They were not singing

as they strutted between graves. 

Is it a sign of respect? I asked a gaunt mongrel.

He stopped near me and sniffed the pig’s footprint.

Ignoring me, he did his morning business

on a fallen gravestone. I wonder what made

the men defend the mysterious tree of equality. 

As the dog circled the base of the maple, I thought

about soldiers doing ordinary things, fetching water,

or cutting wheat. I thought about them shaving

or bandaged in rough cloth. I thought about them

lifting their weapons and swallowing their fear.

Today, these inhabitants of forgotten graves share

their quarters with the creatures of the soil.

When a cold wind brings rain,

the mongrel follows the old road forming a U

while a flock of crows grumbles in the maple,

and the town talks about the summer crops.

Twilight Vision

the excavation site of Calle de Luna Subdivision 1990

Twilight on this job site,

Santa Ana winds cross the hillside

and, near the brush line, a dolphin bone.

Lifting it, I wave it in an arc,

and it eclipses the setting sun.

The autumn breeze brings weariness

and I dream-walk into the past.

As the quail cry out from

behind clumps of white sage,

I ride the surf into the dolphin’s memory

of rip tides, moon tides,

tides of the equinox.

In the distance, it sees

the sun set as white heat,

white light, and now

the rim of the horizon

marked star by star.

The Cruise Ship Crawls Its Way Toward Amsterdam

The cruise ship crawls eastward as the sea propels

itself one wave at a time. Lights of freighters glow

as they follow the trade route west. It seems easy

to see the shapeless green water

as a shadowy meadow with dark shapes.

Occasionally, a wave flashes its white cap

as it moves across this broad and deep channel.

While the ship cuts through waves,

I turn out the lights in my stateroom and step

onto my balcony with just enough space

between reality and me.

Below, a group of passengers walk towards the stern.

Some are retired. Others are newlyweds

or teenage lovers. It seems existence rises and falls

with the rhythm of the North Sea, whose purpose

is to flow with the current.

On my balcony, a steel rail separates the world

of iron from shadows, and I listen to a creature

of whispers, the wind. It slips away from the seascape

as the night clears. Then, the ship and sea become quiet

as if waiting for me to walk through the meadow

of white caps and into myself.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Carl Stilwell AKA CaLokie


Old MacDonald had a factory farm


And on his factory farm he had some chicks


With a cluck-cluck in cage too cramped to spread wings here

And a cluck-cluck in cage too cramped to spread wings there

Here a cluck-cluck in cage too cramped to spread wings 

There a cluck-cluck in cage too cramped to spread wings 

Everywhere cluck, clucks in cages too cramped to spread wings

Old MacDonald had a factory farm


Old MacDonald had a factory farm


And on his factory farm he had some pigs


With an oink-oink in pen too tight to turn around here

And an oink-oink in pen too tight to turn around there

Here an oink-oink in pen too tight to turn around

There an oink-oink in pen too tight to turn around

Everywhere oink-oinks in pens too tight to turn around

Old MacDonald had a factory farm


Old MacDonald had a factory farm


And on his factory farm he had some cows


With a moo-moo belch here

And a moo-moo fart there

Here a moo-moo belch, 

There a moo-moo fart

Everywhere greenhouse gasses fill the skies


Old McDonald had a factory farm 


And on this factory farm they used pesticides  


With dead honeybees here

And dead Monarch butterflies there

Here dead honeybees 

There dead Monarch butterflies

Everywhere despite this ecocide

He still maximized his bottom line


Old MacDonald had a factory farm


Thursday, September 19, 2024

S.A. Gerber

How and When


I speak for no one

but myself,

(Although, I know

I am channeling

the feelings of many

like-minded friends

and neighbors)

when I say…




If Sandy Hook didn’t

do it, what the hell can?!

Now nineteen small children

will not enjoy this coming

summer. They lay dead

among scattered backpacks

and lunch boxes, never

realizing they had their

last kiss good-bye.

The newspeople descend,

congress-people, mayors,

governors, experts, analysts,

psychiatrists, and profilers.

All expressing grief and outrage

for the evening broadcast.

We are all shocked, outraged,

angry and helpless…and what?

Next day, week, month, the

same thing will happen again.

Every republican has blood

on their hands!

Where is the reasoning, the sense,

the justification?!

Ban books and abortion, but

sign a bill that lets every mutant

f--k and his inbred son carry a weapon!

Call yourselves patriots, xtians and

good Americans, as you sell your soul

for the tainted PAC dollars!

What do you tell your own children!



This Friday, there is a scheduled

“meeting of the minds” in the

form of an N.R.A. convention in the

very state in which this latest

massacre occurred.

You can easily figure who in politics

will be in attendance by connecting

the dots. No surprises.

Speculate for a moment if a gunman

ascended on this crowd and was able

to mow down a significant number

before being stopped or traditionally,

killing him or herself first?

It would eclipse all other news!













Of course, this could never happen.

They are heavily guarded and armed.

Just wondering if it would take something

like that to turn them around.

Doubtful. Much too ironic.

Guess we should just stay tuned for the

next group of innocents to fall in the name

of gun rights.

“Nothing changes but the date.” *


*Jason Miller—American Playwright

Storm Warning

(A Rant)


Live long enough,

see it all.

Elected frat-boys

dictating women’s

bodily rights,

a despicable, disgusting

little toad-sucker want-

ing to be commander-

in chief, hopefully

from a cellblock,

and a hurricane

warning in L.A!

Seems the warm

waters of the

Pacific and the

east-west winds

were a deterrent

to them making

landfall on the

California shores.

No more!

The ocean has

warmed in Alaska

and combined “El Nino”,

has rendered us

vulnerable to an,

at least, tropical storm.

“Hilary” should lose

punch as she travels


Three-word reason…

Global F—king Warming!!!

To those whom

still deny…it matters not!

It is far too late

to reverse the effect.

Trouble is that

we still have to

share the earth

with you ignorant assholes!

Out of the Park   


September 10, 2024—


Two people hit

it completely out

of the park,

in my opinion.


The Los Angeles

Philharmonic and

The Los Angeles

Master Chorale, in

a performance of

Symphony No. 9

in D minor,

Op. 125, “Choral”…

under the direction

of Gustavo Dudamel,




Madme Vice President,

Kamala Devi Harris,

in debate with

a coward-loser!


The first allowed

the sky to

open over the

‘bowl’, and restore

a faith in

something far greater.


The latter brilliantly

exposed the true

colors of a

miscreant, mutant,

miserable, angry,

racist, lying sack

of snake sh-t

for all to witness!!!

Both events made

the heart sing.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Jackie Chou

I Have Feet

I have feet

it is good to know

I have feet

to take me down 

the pebbled road


the pigeons gather

to feast on crumbs

Where, o where

is my slice 

of the capitalist pie?

I have feet

instead of claws 

or a wheelchair 

my footsteps

drowned out

by the whoosh of traffic

The Painted Door

I'd open the door for you,

man, woman,

dark-haired or blonde,

any colored eyes,

clean-cut or rugged,

holes or no holes

on jeans.


A door,

if you'd allow me,

to the wonderland 

in my heart,

where we interlock 

our multicolored,

smooth or rough


First published in Alien Buddha Zine

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lynn White

Forty Million Tonnes and Counting

Forty Million Tonnes 

and what do we get?

Almost a song lyric 

written for those who don’t get older, 

the uncounted ones lost in the rubble of Gaza.

Forty Million Tonnes of homes, roads, 

and infrastructure converted into rubble

that will take uncountable years for us to clear

and still longer to rebuild towns and villages, 

to replant crops and trees.

And who are the ‘us’ - the ones who will pay.

The same ‘us’ as did it before

and will do it again

unless perpetrators are held accountable.

And while this goes on, year upon year

‘they’ will feed those surviving

living still in that wasteland of rubble.

The same ‘they’ as did it before, 

are trying to do it now

and will do it again

unless perpetrators are held accountable.

And how will we, us, they and them 

deal with the hate engendered.

It will have to be dealt with,

then what will we do

as we count the cost

once again.

First published in Dissident Voice 21 July 2024

Somewhere Else the Birds Are Singing

He managed to open the shutters a little way

but the gap was smaller than he expected.

He eased his head and shoulders inside.

The rest of him,

his arse and legs,

remained outside

covered in a blanket

then, as dawn broke,

covered once more

by a blanket of early spring snow.

He was hungry.

He was always hungry.

Somewhere the birds are singing

he thought

somewhere else

the birds are singing.

first published in Hunger X March 2024


In those streets

of men and boys,

in that country 

for men and boys,

she feels like a person with no face,

her face space covered,

her identity occupied

by a swirling mist of confusion

like nothingness being born.


she wishes for a blank space

that she could fill herself

with a Magritte apple

or even a woman

even herself


and visible.

Now, in those streets

of men and boys,

in that country 

for men and boys,

she feels like a person with no voice,

Magritte’s apple is choking her,

muting her

so even in her home she whispers

her songs and curses.

Only in her head does she shout

that something will come of nothing,

that something must come of nothing.

First published in New Verse News, August 28, 2024

Jack G Bowman

Fall Nature His mind shits on to October thoughts; dying, hibernation, death, sacrifice he watches the sky for the returning comet, misses t...