Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Marieta Maglas

Senbon Zakura Mirror Dance

I had closed the cracked window.

The first gust of wind, flute, drums, and

fleeting movements—

explosions and distortions—

vanished into the approaching rain.


It was like slowly dancing with

the image in the mirror, or

fragmenting memories of love

to clear the mind of emotions

consumed by the summer heat.


I sat next to a neighbor

whose husband had been

a soldier in Asia until

he was shot in half.

He had always been

among the best.


The movement accelerated

without music,

creating tension and

evoking feelings of

euphoria and chills,

similar to a movie sequence.


The dancers wore white sashes

around their heads and

pirouetted at a high tempo

to create a lively movement.


The window opened,

bringing the noise of the metropolis and

the smell of the wind.

It didn't bring a fatal infection

like those found in polls or

left by lost civilizations.

It was only a rainy wind.

These bacteria are real and

can transform into weapons,

unlike in Disney animations.


Life is not an illusion in and of itself.

When life becomes a hallucination,

something else must be real.

Hail hit the roof of silence.


The dancers expressed God's numbers

by waving their arms above their heads,

clapping wildly, and

swaying their bodies.

The dance did not appear to

be pre-choreographed.


Ancestral emotions cleared

the mind's clutter.

Crawled quickly within the suffering souls

and began to peacefully disappear.



Blind Reality (
Quintuple Etheree Poem)

Hollow-eyed shades

of human beings,


human beings

cogitating on jazz music,


jazz penetrates the deep silence

of the bleeding angels,


angels in a fight for

the awakening of this blind reality,






anxious women,

terrorist attacks,

public executions,

illegal immigration,

dengue fever, songs, low wages,

Zika and Chikungunya viruses,


human cells combined with mammal fetuses,

monetization of the objects

emblazoned clothes & precious stones,

Islamist militancy,

meteorite impacts,

vegetation fires,







birth defects,

huge ocean waves,

ISIS strategies,

sexual harassments,

sales of stolen artifacts,

multiple vortex tornadoes,

quakes striking near the plate boundaries,

children murdered in egregious crackdowns,


food securities for starving people,

changes in refugee policies,

landslides, Monsoon rains, new flash floods,

seasonal unemployment,

nuclear disasters,

smiling volcanoes,

price increases,

naked bodies,





gas stations,

interim work,

glacier calving,

protests blocking the roads,

new theatrical triumphs,

ill kids not displaying symptoms,

macroeconomic policies,

silent strategies of democracies,

different drivers having

different styles to run their cars,


cars blinking their headlights

while their motors scream,

screaming trees and revolvers

that shoot up walls to write lyrics,

lyrics of jazz penetrating the silence

of the bleeding angels,


angels in a fight for

the awakening of this new reality.



Bioelectromagnetic Golden Temples

Holy words to drive off

raised thoughts,

to cut some meanings,

to pour down all the depths,

and to warm our winter within.

Bloom of life

to accompany old songs

hidden in new hymns-

human misery and degradation.

Sufferings to rise up

in the air of shrouded sanctums.

Self-bright sun to descend from

a symbiotic sky, every evening,

to make everything golden-

the rivers, the rivers, the rivers.

Hopes to be carried home,

to be eaten like gold.

Time to be broken,

to be danced in its armor-

by hurricanes, by eternity

towards anarchy and chaos.

Jack G Bowman

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