Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lynn White

Forty Million Tonnes and Counting

Forty Million Tonnes 

and what do we get?

Almost a song lyric 

written for those who don’t get older, 

the uncounted ones lost in the rubble of Gaza.

Forty Million Tonnes of homes, roads, 

and infrastructure converted into rubble

that will take uncountable years for us to clear

and still longer to rebuild towns and villages, 

to replant crops and trees.

And who are the ‘us’ - the ones who will pay.

The same ‘us’ as did it before

and will do it again

unless perpetrators are held accountable.

And while this goes on, year upon year

‘they’ will feed those surviving

living still in that wasteland of rubble.

The same ‘they’ as did it before, 

are trying to do it now

and will do it again

unless perpetrators are held accountable.

And how will we, us, they and them 

deal with the hate engendered.

It will have to be dealt with,

then what will we do

as we count the cost

once again.

First published in Dissident Voice 21 July 2024

Somewhere Else the Birds Are Singing

He managed to open the shutters a little way

but the gap was smaller than he expected.

He eased his head and shoulders inside.

The rest of him,

his arse and legs,

remained outside

covered in a blanket

then, as dawn broke,

covered once more

by a blanket of early spring snow.

He was hungry.

He was always hungry.

Somewhere the birds are singing

he thought

somewhere else

the birds are singing.

first published in Hunger X March 2024


In those streets

of men and boys,

in that country 

for men and boys,

she feels like a person with no face,

her face space covered,

her identity occupied

by a swirling mist of confusion

like nothingness being born.


she wishes for a blank space

that she could fill herself

with a Magritte apple

or even a woman

even herself


and visible.

Now, in those streets

of men and boys,

in that country 

for men and boys,

she feels like a person with no voice,

Magritte’s apple is choking her,

muting her

so even in her home she whispers

her songs and curses.

Only in her head does she shout

that something will come of nothing,

that something must come of nothing.

First published in New Verse News, August 28, 2024

Jack G Bowman

Fall Nature His mind shits on to October thoughts; dying, hibernation, death, sacrifice he watches the sky for the returning comet, misses t...