A journey
Without any destination
Take your RV
Tear up your maps
Circumnavigate on roads
Going no where
And any where
Voyage all over
Carve your name in a tree
Add the year also
Explore a cave
Climb a small mountain
Smell the flowers
Enjoy the sun on your face
Leave food for the hungry
Buy shoes for a homeless person
Make a difference
Leave the world a better place
One person at
A time
There is a world to be saved
A journey back
In time
Years past quickly
Finding yourself
Defining who you are
Your ten-year reunion
Did they change?
Children acting
As grown ups
Thinking they were
All that
Hay day for
Popular students
Cheer leaders, jocks
Troublemakers, bullies
Spread rumors, gossip
Sweethearts forever
Stagnant, grow together
Grow apart
Extension of High School
Eight to five jobs, never ending
Few break the cycle
Town did not change
People did not change
I did