Monday, October 14, 2024

Sherry Meehan


I came to the lake in early morning

to escape the walls of human existence.

Here nothing is homeless, but the old woman

carrying her turtle life in a van, trying to remain

hidden as a orphan among the trees.

What have we become? Our tapestry is

unraveling, our woven selves reduced

to some tattered garments thoughtlessly

left on a curb under a bridge, by the side

of a freeway.

To be without walls is the ultimate punishment

for failure.

We define ourselves by separation.

We do not move in murmuration, in a

Cooperation that would leave the sky stunned.

Long ago we gave up our wings for walls.

Michelle Smith

He's Not My President God help America for it will become hell in a handbasket under the United States of Amerikka. under his felonious ...